No-brainer fundraising
Earn funds for your sports team, club or organization
Capitalize on creative yet simple fundraising
No cost
This is a 100% free service with no setup cost. Book all lodging on GuestSmiles to earn 4% back for your team, club or organization.
Easy to use
No tech experience is needed. Sign-up online and instantly receive your unique code. Share the code with anyone. All reservations booked with this code earn 4% back to your team, club or organization.
Your family and friends are already incurring annual travel expenses for hotels and vacation rentals. 4% of these cost now can easily be earned back for the team, club or organization
Unlock game-changing possibilities on travel expenses you already incur

Almost every competitive travel team relies on fundraising to have a successful season. Cover some of the expenses of equipment, uniforms and other team expenses by earning 4% back on all personal or team-related travel booked throughout the year. Each team and organization will have their own TEAM code to use at checkout.
Alumni, social and non-profit organizations are constantly fundraising. Earning 4% of the lodging is a recurring revenue stream with very little effort.

Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, school clubs etc can all benefit from additional fundraising efforts. This is an easy way to generate extra funds for
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